The Trussell Trust

Tea for Trussell 2023

Sheana Ashton

Sheana Ashton

My Story

I know about the needs of people in these difficult times,having been involved in weekly foodbank provision,delivering to the Food Project warehouse,catering for homeless people in the Welcome Centre and through the work of our church Neighbourhood Group.

Our neighbours and friends are joining me in helping to raise funds and to raise awareness of the great  needs of less fortunate people.

In using the local bowling club as our venue,we can involve our whole community in a friendly Sunday afternoon social gathering which will,we hope, raise money to help.

Sunday 18 June 3:30-5:30 pm at Craigmillar Park Bowling Club EH 16 5NT 




  • Target
  • Raised so far
  • Number of donors

My Story

I know about the needs of people in these difficult times,having been involved in weekly foodbank provision,delivering to the Food Project warehouse,catering for homeless people in the Welcome Centre and through the work of our church Neighbourhood Group.

Our neighbours and friends are joining me in helping to raise funds and to raise awareness of the great  needs of less fortunate people.

In using the local bowling club as our venue,we can involve our whole community in a friendly Sunday afternoon social gathering which will,we hope, raise money to help.

Sunday 18 June 3:30-5:30 pm at Craigmillar Park Bowling Club EH 16 5NT 


Sheana Ashton is fundraising towards